Friday, January 25, 2019

Legal questions for domestic violence victims

Domestic violence is one of the major problems that our society faces on a day to day basis. In many cases, it is very difficult to maintain an exact statistical record of the total number of people falling victim to such abuses. The reason for this is that not everyone has the courage and motivation to come forward and report their turmoil and pain to the authorities. Leading domestic violence lawyer Aurora strongly encourages people to get in touch with a reputable legal expert when it comes to dealing with instances of abuse as this can eventually lead to critical states if not reported early.
In many cases, the difference between abuse and a simple disagreement between two individuals can be hard to pinpoint, which often makes it difficult for a person to realize that he or she is being abused. Things can become even more difficult when there is a child involved. In such cases, only a legal expert can recommend the best course of action for the victim.
Here are some common questions that are often asked in relation to domestic violence and its legal ramifications.
  1. When should I look to obtain a restraining order during the divorce process?
It is always important to ensure personal and physical safety for the victims as the first priority. In many cases, getting the restraining order is the best course of action to ensure that the victim is protected from the harmful activities of the abuser. Numerous types of restraining orders are available and even though they may not always ensure a complete defense to all instances of future abuse, they still present the victims with substantial legal protection in case such an order is violated.
  1. What forms of relationships can be classified under the term 'Domestic'?
In most cases, people associate domestic abuse with cases of spousal violence where a man may hit his wife. However, domestic violence may also occur in dating relationships or even among blood relatives who live under the same roof.
  1. How can the accusation of domestic violence impact child custody?
Courts typically make decisions about child custody based on one simple standard, i.e. for protecting the child’s best interests. Being accused of domestic abuse can only make it difficult for a parent to have the custody of the child.
  1. Can domestic violence impact child support?
In certain ways, the issue of child support is intimately connected to child custody. Parents and all legal guardians are supposed to provide for the children and it is considered to be their legal responsibility. The only exceptions can be made for cases where the children are adopted by some other person or the child has been emancipated. The responsibility of providing for the children does not simply cease to exist just because the abuser has lost custody.
  1. When should you seek legal help for emotional abuse?
Plenty of people have this misconception that the scope of domestic violence laws essentially covers physical abuse. In other words, cases of abuse that lack any discernible evidence of physical injury or harm are not acknowledged by the law and the victims cannot get any help on such occasions. However, this cannot be farther away from the truth. If you feel that you are a victim of emotional abuse, you can certainly get in touch with a domestic violence lawyer Colorado to seek his/her her help and find out what the law can do for you. Emotional scars or pain can have a devastating toll on a person and can sometimes be even more damaging than physical abuse. There are now laws that can provide you with protection against instances of emotional abuse.